Tuesday 2 May 2023

A Shark Amidst the Manatees.

[Youtuber "the Unrepentant Atheist" writes in:] 

I have been checking around.

You seem to have - outside of your own channel - virtually no support.

All I can find is allegations of questionable behaviour towards women - and a lot of hate against you - not due to your actual stance - but your hostility and general insulting and abusive rants etc. You have achieved notoriety so congratulations for that. 

Now I am not saying I believe allegations - (thought I did see 1 vid where you were hating on two young female vegans saying they are not good looking enough to be models - and I wonder why it was relevant to say that???)

It seems the distaste for you personally - is very strong.

You must have a very thick skin indeed. 

[And my reply:]

Re: "You seem to have - outside of your own channel - virtually no support."

Oh, you'll find I'm doing much better than my rivals.

Including precisely the people who tried (in soap operatic terms) to destroy me.

Different people are playing different games by different rules, Stuart.  And in my particular sport, I'm the greatest to have ever played the game.

Re: "All I can find is allegations of questionable behaviour towards women…"

All of which are fictional, and resulted in many thousands of dollars being raised (in donations) to pay for a court case in Chiang Mai, Thailand, i.e., pressing criminal charges for defamation against the (self-identified as) autistic man who made them up —and who later admitted that they were false (and he deleted his videos containing the allegations, and vaguely said that I was actually "a good guy" for both related and unrelated reasons).

Re: "Now I am not saying I believe allegations - (thought I did see 1 vid where you were hating on two young female vegans saying they are not good looking enough to be models…"

You have to admit: it doesn't sound like you actually watched the video, does it?  It sounds like you're repeating something that somebody else said about the video on a Reddit forum, hm?


Re: "It seems the distaste for you personally - is very strong."

Oh?  And you suppose there aren't signs of very considerable appreciation?

You don't suppose, for example, you've ignored the fact that many of my videos have been translated into foreign languages —and, in fact, both of my books have been translated into foreign languages— by volunteers from the audience?

French: https://youtu.be/s_O0Xz_jUpQ

Russian, Japanese, Greek, Finnish and several other languages: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZEkgohG7k7r2yc18ZAehpfiLBtBwmNQh

And, most recently, Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjjiQDDQFZA

This is just one sign among many (you've seen them, and you're pretending that you haven't seen them in this particular email) that I have had a profoundly positive impact on a significant number of people.  It's there for you to see, if you're willing to see it.


Re: "You must have a very thick skin indeed."

I am a shark amidst the manatees.