Tuesday 16 July 2024

The whole world's history is encompassed within the life of just one man...

The whole world's history is encompassed within the life of just one man: at some point, we stop complaining about the evils society has created in us and we commence creating our own societies —and our own evils.

Monday 15 July 2024

Saturday 13 July 2024

BLM, Four Years Later.

At this moment, you get no google search results at all for "the American people are incapable of looking backward" —the sudden death of JFK and the long duration of the investigations (and government reports) that ensued afterward was the context in which I remember the phrase being used.

Almost apposite, but not quite:

"Different times call for different leadership," Pence said. "The American people don’t look backwards; they look forward. … I don’t think my old running mate is going to be the Republican nominee for president."

Takeaways from CNN’s town hall with Mike Pence
CNN, June 8, 2023 



Thursday 11 July 2024

Nash Park, Victoria's #1 stand up comedian, says Eisel Mazard is a really bad guy.

And here's the link to the video in question.  Title: Is Instagram ruining stand up comedy?  Subtitle: Nash Park is going to beat me up.  Probably.  https://youtu.be/IdF_RTySXXk?si=q1ne_GtnMqY0Lq9N