Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Alyssa Grenfell: Ex-Mormon & Messiah of Mediocrity

The excuses she makes for the acceptance of religion are far more important than the reasons she's given for its rejection. Within just the last few months, Alyssa Grefell has seemingly stumbled into her role as "the face of atheism", but, already, mistakes she is making (in that accidental leadership role) illustrate why (and how) this still incipient political movement is stumbling as a whole. This is episode 4 of Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism, (AR+IO-006).

LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6nZE6ztzScEj0nno2kiZIR?si=C7JkWrDYSl6yT9rHfHsBwA

LINK: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/eisel-mazard/episodes/Alyssa-Grenfell-Ex-Mormon--Messiah-of-Mediocrity-e2su7ul

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

This is the End of the World: the Failure of the Vegan Movement.

LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2m0it5GwjtdyCevE9lTO8E

Solar panels and wind farms aren't going to make the necessary difference: if the vegan movement fails, this will be the end of the world. Some call it "global warming", some call it "climate change". Some prefer to speak more specifically about carbon PPM (parts per million) in the atmosphere, rising ocean levels, and so on. It's a simple problem with a simple solution, from a vegan perspective, and yet tremendously complex from so many other perspectives that fail to recognize the centrality of meat production (animal agriculture) to the problem and solution both.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Alex O'Connor: Vegan Judas, Atheist Antichrist.

Formerly known as Cosmic Skeptic, Alex O'Connor was a major, influential leader in the vegan movement, and presented himself as a philosopher, arguing that it was morally obligatory for other atheist philosophers like Matt Dillahunty to be vegan —until, one day, he revealed that he wasn't vegan anymore, and, perhaps, if we just listen to what he said so plainly, he never was vegan at all.  Following in the footsteps of Peter Singer, Alex O'Connor preached a doctrine of "the net positive" while having a "net negative" effect: destroying the vegan movement from within.

LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2uIWyNkKDuGjhj9BnBjmBB

LINK: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/a-bas-le-ciel/episodes/Alex-OConnor-Vegan-Judas--Atheist-Antichrist-e2sjrt8

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Veganism as a Civilizing Mission: a new moral definition for an ancient, aging movement.

The end of the era of utilitarianism and its implications.

LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6m4WYF5znyULE4HwrMqcVo?si=0XtLriqFR5u9VYXKXuP-KA

On the Idiocy of Extinction Rebellion ~or~ Roger Hallam is in Jail for a Reason.

I'm amazed that this is less than one hour long. Action packed.

LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6mQlnozY8EwhysGjXBnGQs?si=baf66a1fd8ff4382

• This is Terrorism: the Nonviolence of Extinction Rebellion. 28 October 2021

• The Vegan Antichrist: Questioning Extinction Rebellion. 18 January 2022

• Peaceful Protest Doesn't Work. #NotSatire 19 November 2021

• Climate change: the vegan perspective is the only perspective. 24 January 2022

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Elagabalus and the Religion of Rome: Emperor, Empress, Priest and Priestess.

Episode 02 of Doomed Republic: a podcast about ancient ideals, modern utopias, dystopias and attempts at democracy, including Greece, Rome China, India, Europe and America. (AR+IO-005)

LINK: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1C5ZwBqaTEd150XGBefnPs?si=YmYb9Cj-T0KOeqbuRWEmkQ

Elagabalus is now celebrated as "the first transgender emperor of Rome", raising questions of the limits of tolerance in the Ancient Greco-Roman world: did he cross some line that Nero never crossed? And was that line sexual, religious or political? Why is it that Elagabalus would be remembered as the lowest of the low by Roman historians who had already narrated the excesses (gay, straight and bisexual) of Nero and so many others? Why would Elagabalus have his name scraped off of monuments at the command of the senate after his death, while others who'd committed worse offenses would undergo apotheosis, and instead be referred to as gods?

Friday, 6 December 2024

Anyone who says "Only God can judge me" hasn't had their biography written by artificial intelligence. Yet.

If there's any truth to the old phrase, "history will be written by the victors", we should consider the extent to which machine intelligence is winning.  ;-)