Wednesday 6 December 2023

Seeing strength as weakness, weakness as strength; taking poison as medicine, and medicine as poison.

[Question from the audience:]

Im addressing this video here since you block comments:

I bet the white people at "no coloreds allowed" restaurants didn't want their lunches interrupted by black people sitting there during sit ins. The" other sides'" cause isn't just. OUR'S IS. That is why I would support DXE civil disobedience and open rescue. It will take many different approaches to win the hearts and minds of a meat addicted population.  Some people respond well to friendly outreach. Some to videos. Some to an appeal to health concern. And some people need in your face, irritating, emotionally upsetting annoying disruption. The problem with you, Eisel, is that you believe that change like animal liberation can come through simple peaceful means. I think it will take not just arrests but  the  death of vegans activists before society changes. In the civil rights era, it took the death of MLK, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers and many more to free black people from political oppression. It took shoot outs between the feds and black panthers. All these events culminate in the social upheaval it takes for a society to make such drastic change. In regards to the oppressed people of china: If I could, i would arm every chinese man woman and child with the rifles you hate so much so they can engage in guerilla warfare against the evil communist dictatorship. Just because you're vegan doesn't mean you cant use violence to fight for a just cause. What If a man broke into your house and tried to rape and kill your gf? would you just stand there and let him do it cuz you're vegan? Or would you kill that man with no hesitation? I'd say being oppressed for your whole life is just as bad as being raped.


Quote, "In the civil rights era, it took the death of MLK, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers and many more to free black people from political oppression."  This is the paradox of taking the poison as medicine, and medicine as poison: the death of MLK is not a positive template for what vegans ought to aspire to, it's not the winning formula (or "the secret to the success of") the civil rights movement —it's not medicine, it's poison.  Further, as is explained in all of the videos linked to (and in my book, which is brief, and I'd encourage you to read, costing ONE DOLLAR) there is absolutely nothing comparable about a mass movement supported by millions of people (MLK being supported by 99% of the students on black campuses) and the situation of vegans in 2023 (not even 1% support on campuses).  This is discussed in all of the videos mentioned, including yesterday's two hour discussion: you're making a series of false inferences here (perceiving weakness as strength, and strength as weakness).

Quote, "The" other sides'" cause isn't just. OUR'S IS."  Muslims see Sharia law the same way: anti-abortionists see their cause the same way, too.  You're not just half wrong here: you're 100% wrong.  

Re: "It took shoot outs between the feds and black panthers… If I could, i would arm every chinese man woman and child with the rifles you hate so much so they can engage in guerilla warfare against the evil communist dictatorship."  That sounds a lot like a Jihad, doesn't it?

It sounds like you're a bitter-ender, willing to die for a cause far less popular than ISIS —veganism has far less support in terms of volunteer soldiers and millions of dollars than ISIS ever had (and ISIS nevertheless was doomed from day one).

I say again: you cannot win by imitating MLK, you cannot win by imitating the tactics of the anti-abortion movement —nor the tactics used by muslim fundamentalists.  What hot ice is this, preaching poison as medicine, and strength as weakness?