Sunday, 9 February 2025

Hitomi Mochizuki and Me: are we just a footnote in the history of veganism?


Only on à-bas-le-ciel: a video podcast on Spotify, an audio podcast everywhere else that podcasts are "sold"… for free.

Vegan Bodybuilders and the Politics of Pandering: Brian Turner, James Aspey, Greed and Cryptocurrency Corruption.


A long title for a long video: most of this can be understood as an audio-only podcast, but there are charts and factoids on screen in the "video podcast" version (along with the expression on my face, for better or worse).

At this moment, it seems that you only get to see the full video via Spotify, whereas you're listening to audio only via Apple podcasts and most of the other competition —but the competitive spirit will close that gap soon enough (and that "video podcasts" will be competing against Youtube on all platforms, not just Spotify, within months).

The Life of the Mind: Nihilism and/or Education

Episode 05 of Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism (AR+IO-009).


Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Monday, 27 January 2025

On the astonishing ignorance of experts in our time: political philosophy in praxis.

There is a recurring joke amongst anyone who works with primary source historical materials of any kind, including even the hansard: "As you can see, our generation was not the first to live with the delusion that academic learning reached its zenith when we ourselves were teenagers, too jejune to question the acumen of our professors, and that it has then declined ever since." The snide insinuation being that the perception of historical decline is, in fact, a shadow cast by the observer's emergence from the primordial ignorance of youth: the wisdom of our elders, once unquestioned, becomes questioned, and then the quality of learning amongst experts appears to be in decline.

A Buddhist monk once told me, "People cannot respect us for what we do, or some service we offer the community, they have to respect us for what we are: for the lifestyle we live as such." English was not her first language: I confess I am "punching it up" a bit, and making her turn of phrase more Mazardian by degrees in the process of paraphrasing.

In the context of a totally unrelated conversation today (not worth paraphrasing) I remarked in passing that I have never known anyone who was well read in political philosophy, ancient or modern, East or West, and I went on to specify that I am including people with PhDs —or that I am especially thinking of the people I have known at various stages of having PhDs at elite universities. Of course, I could extend the scope much further, beyond people I've known face to face: none of the political analysts or social commentators I've known "parasocially" are well read in the manner I've just specified. On the contrary, I'm continually confronted with the embarrassing extent of their ignorance on the very subjects they pretend to comment upon.

There are several factors unique to our era worth stating.

Nobody can make any significant amount of money writing a book anymore —especially not if we're talking about "hard" nonfiction.

Look at how little effort Bob Dylan put into his first album and how much money he made out of it. Look at how little effort any given stand up comedian of the 1960s put into a comedy album and how much money they would stand to earn from it. An incentive structure evolved around this possibility: not every musician could have a hit album, nor every stand up comedian, but nevertheless large numbers of people were paying their rent through these arts —and larger numbers could earn some money while aspiring to one day earn enough to pay the rent.

There was a similar structure to book publishing: not everyone could publish a hit book on the topic of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire —but dozens of people could fail while earning a tidy profit for themselves and the publisher alike. Paper was cheaper than vinyl. Sitting alone over a typewriter for a whole month was cheaper than employing a team of audio engineers in a recording studio for a single hour.

That has changed: the incentive structure for publishing has changed, the incentive structure for research has changed, the incentive structure for being an intellectual (or even trying) has changed.

Everyone I knew with a PhD regarded the learning they had accomplished as a teenager (en passant) as adequate for the rest of their lives. A few lectures they had heard casually, as a teenager, about Northern Myanmar, would serve as the basis for lectures delivered authoritatively (to teenagers) for 40 years thereafter, without one finger being lifted to see if research had challenged any of the earlier work (thus) being recycled from one generation to the next. The professor in question happens to meet me, and I inform her (in an entertaining conversation, I might add, not at all confrontationally or reproachfully) that everything she has been teaching about Myanmar (and Sri Lanka) is utterly fictional, that it always was, and that I could debunk it for her offhand within a few minutes of cocktail party banter, backed up with footnotes.

She found this conversation fascinating and said so. She followed up on none of it. She did zero reading, zero research, and continued to teach the same debunked nonsense to the next class of students to come under her power in the next semester, and so on.

There is a very deep conviction that all areas of human learning are equivalent to dentistry: that you can learn this set of objectively real skills once, in your teenage years, and then spend the rest of your life as a professor, repeating the same lessons again and again without doing any new learning whatsoever. Either you know how to drill teeth or you don't: there's no room for self-doubt, no need to challenge and overturn the assumptions that became ossified in one's own youth.

In brief, those who teach do not learn.

These two factors alone: it is impossible to exaggerate the breadth and depth of the change they entail for our civilization.

I once picked up a paperback book (in a second hand bookstore, in Toronto) that could have been published in the 1980s (or earlier) with the memorable title, "Do I have to be myself today?" (Googling now I can find no trace of it.) I had no idea what to expect, based on the title, but it was a set of self-indulgent reflections from an economics professor (and if it wasn't economics, please forgive me, this is from memory) who offered utterly fatuous remarks on how the behavior and attitude of his students toward him would be changed, from day to day, depending on what clothes he wore when giving his lecture —I suppose various generalizations about "social psychology" were the justification for these observations being grouped together from one chapter to the next. Just looking at the book, it was obvious that someone at some publishing company had decided that this would make money —and it's quite possible that it did. This book was not published as a charity: it was a for-profit venture. It reflected a time when the idle byproducts of being an intellectual had a decent chance at generating a few bucks and being on the bookshelves of a few hundred (or few thousand) fans. Even if that book didn't make money, the editorial department that took a gamble by greenlighting it probably published works from a dozen other eccentric intellectuals that same month: if half of them turned a profit, they'd be laughing all the way to the bank. There was pulp fiction, and there was pulp nonfiction. Failure was individual; success, industrial.

Money, fame, power, respect, sex. Not necessarily in that order. There were incentives, in the past, that compelled people to develop beyond the repetitious remit of the instructor in dentistry: there were both tangible and intangible rewards for challenging what you'd learned about Myanmar as a teenager. No longer.

Yes, to some extent, intellectual virtue always was voluntary, but it is now more voluntary than ever before. Benjamin Franklin fucked whores: he was fat, he was ugly, and he traveled around the world being celebrated for his scientific discoveries, sleeping with prostitutes and occasional groupies. Would he have engaged in those scientific experiments if he couldn't have published them? Would he have written about politics, etc., or continued to challenge himself and learn more (and write more, etc.) his whole life long without the (considerable) incentive structure that surrounded him in Philadelphia? From my perspective, Benjamin Franklin was an imbecile, but my perspective doesn't matter here: he's an example of someone who had almost zero formal education and who compensated through informal education that included a network of book-reading clubs, and being very directly engaged in ("amateurish") research and publishing of many different kinds. And he was motivated, at every stage, by money, fame, power, respect, and sex —both when he was young and when he was old. His evils were considerable but, at least, he is an example of a man who never stopped learning. He did not regard political philosophy as dentistry.

Who, now, will respect "us" (the real intellectuals, public or private, who deal with politics philosophically, and deal with philosophy politically) not for what we do, but for who we are —not for some public service, but for the process of our ongoing learning. Who will be the whores trying to corrupt our monastic order?

Nobody. Nobody at all. You're better off doing stand up comedy. There will never be another Benjamin Franklin.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

First Alcibiades: Socrates as Conspirator and Cult Leader, Plato as Comedian

Doomed Republic: a podcast about ancient ideals, modern utopias, dystopias and attempts at democracy, including Greece, Rome China, India, Europe and America. This is episode 5 of Doomed Republic, (AR+IO-008).



Have Fun Staying Poor: the "Kristen Leo is Ex-Vegan and Shilling Cryptocurrency" Story.

If you google the question of whether or not Kristen Leo is (still) vegan, one of extremely few search results you'll find lies within this same Patreon page that you're reading now: there's an inaccessible video from September 10th of 2023 entitled The End of Philosophy: Kristen Leo is Ex-Vegan.

Catherine Klein, circa three days ago, decided to state as a matter of fact that Kristen Leo is now ex-vegan.  It would seem to be a matter of conjecture and inference rather than a matter of fact, but nevertheless: Kristen Leo has long since ceased to be an advocate for the vegan movement, and now describes her diet in terms of "vibrations" rather than moral or ecological principles. Whether we should consider an act of murder "high vibrational" or "low" is a very philosophical question indeed —the sort of thing I can imagine Callimachus disputing with Socrates.

Apparently it is not even worth mentioning (in this avalanche of news on an otherwise silent slope) that Kristen ceased to be committed to a childfree future. Now, instead, she says that she's planning to get pregnant and raise children as soon as possible. Her old videos on this subject always seemed close enough to antinatalism to my ears, and she makes an appearance in my satire Antinatalist Woman as a result. This can still be seen and heard on Spotify, although not on youtube any more.

Buying, selling and wearing leather is not vegan: as with the example of Hitomi Mochizuki, i.e., one of Kristen's friends and fellow DePop mavens discussed (and satirized) on à-bas-le-ciel many times before, Kristen never was entirely vegan. Both of them traded in leather and wool. Doing it via a website like DePop does nothing to dilute the sin in question, but only creates a durable record of the transgression for your vegan fan base to boggle at in horror.  Through some strange act of self-hypnosis, the fans of both Kristen and Hitomi went for many years without boggling.

Meanwhile, now as never before, Kristen has made herself the laughingstock of her carefully curated crowd of Communist supporters by encouraging them to invest in a peculiar cryptocurrency that will somehow end up "supporting" her (through a mechanism that is entirely unclear to me) as she endures a period of poverty and uncertainty living in Los Angeles. Yes, it is now Los Angeles, rather than Florida or Athens or Pico Island. And yes, Kristen used to court a Communist fan-base with the usual mix of semi-literate Marxist and semi-numerate anticapitalist tropes. The problem with pandering to left wingers is that you can never be left wing enough to suit them, and you end up not being left wing enough to suit yourself. Please do not ask me what the equivalent problem with pandering to a right wing audience might be: I will be banned from Patreon if I explain it in reply.

The parallels to James Aspey's career go further than just that: both Aspey and Leo convinced themselves that they could rapidly rise to the top of the livestreaming food chain, without questioning the difference between a chain and a ladder. The rent would be easily paid, they imagined, once they transitioned from uploading edited videos to inviting the audience to participate in utterly unedited monologues. Aspey quickly abandoned this dream on Youtube; Leo, in parallel, abandoned it on Twitch.

I have experience making many hundreds of pre-recorded videos, and many hundreds of livestreams: the main difference between the two categories is that it is impossible to delude yourself as to just how stupid the members of your audience really are when you switch to livestreaming. Sky's Vegan of Course show provided endless examples of this: he had a small number of unemployed people returning day after day (some of them retired, some of them mentally disabled and receiving benefits, etc.) with greater degrees of audience participation making the performance seem more and more like a freak show. I do not know if he deleted his old episodes under pressure from an old employer (PETA?) or under pressure from an ex-girlfriend, but you can see that he is still trying to upload on a daily basis after an inexplicable "renovation" of his enterprise:

You have to be honest with yourself about why you're doing this. If you start a Discord discussion group: do you actually want to talk to the kind of person who spends three hours per day on Discord? Perhaps you don't yet know what kind of person that is, and you're going to find out.

Likewise, although you may find my recent reflections on the average level of intelligence to be found amongst the audience shocking, please ask yourself:

• What kind of person can spend three hours per day watching Twitch streams? 

• Do you want to spend your life babysitting that kind of person?

For years, I uploaded book reviews for the purpose of attracting and communicating with the kind of person who was intelligent enough to read the same books and have their own (interesting) critique of them. I really would have been better off uploading hardcore porn, given that booktube is really just softcore porn. And, yes, some of my satirical rap songs and comedy videos reflected on this tension in my life at the time (but it is a tension that began when I struggled to upload book reviews in Kunming, where I was a full time student of Chinese, etc., and I was then very disappointed by the quality and quantity of what I received from the audience in reply). As cynical as I may have seemed, I wasn't cynical enough. As dim a view as I may have had of my own audience, it wasn't dim enough. And I imagine that Kristen Leo and James Aspey (and Sky, too) had to endure a similar sort of disappointment. Indeed, to some extent, based on what they've said themselves, I know it to be true. Put yourself in the position of a newspaper columnist who suddenly switches from creating content for an idealized reader to actually interacting with his or readers on Twitch and Discord. It's quite a cliff to fall off of, that one.

As it is the patronage of "the Pi Network" that Kristen Leo is courting, I should note that there are peculiar reasons why participants worry that this particular cryptocurrency might be a scam. One of the central promises of the cryptocurrency movement was that these monetary substitutes would allow anonymous transactions unfettered by government oversight. This is often described as liberating customers from the limitations of banking, gold or paper currency, but it is in fact a promise that can only be construed in contrast to credit cards. Credit card purchases are never anonymous: they can always be traced back to a real person who has presented their credentials to a bank teller at some point —and they are an "immortal" record of your consumer activity. If Matt Gaetz had paid for prostitution in cash, the world might be a very different place today.

The Pi token has excited tremendous suspicion and hostility (even amongst cryptocurrency supporters) because it requires that you provide and verify your personal information: it has, in its own idiom, a "KYC" procedure. Although each and every cryptocurrency attracts some allegations that it could be a scam, Kristen Leo's chosen cryptocurrency is harshly criticized by the very people who are most accustomed to making excuses for cryptocurrencies in general. It just isn't clear why the Pi network is gathering all of this data on its "beneficiaries" —I can't call them "users" because the token doesn't have any "use". From one perspective, the Pi network's "KYC" would make a cryptocurrency more like a credit card, but from another perspective it erodes the "raison d'être" for cryptocurrency as such, and could only be the preamble to some scandal as to how the database of personal information collected ends up being monetized.

Credit card purchases verify your identity far more thoroughly than the process of voting in the United States and Canada. We could, in fact, reduce voter fraud by requiring a credit card purchase of five cents with each plebiscite: a mail-in ballot has no such verification of your identity —and we could create a record of your vote that is as "immortal" as every purchase you've ever made on Amazon. For some reason, there is no democratic interest in this possibility, in our exceedingly democratic times.

Kristen Leo's experience is worth remarking on because it is so unremarkable: there are millions of men and women like her who have been through a similar sort of metamorphosis over the last ten years —some of them repeatedly. Oscar Jenkins, you may recall, was ex-vegan (and eating meat with his Mongolian girlfriend) when he rediscovered my youtube channel and became obsessed with it: his infatuation with my philosophy wasn't his first metamorphosis, but it would be his last.

For people living through the vicissitudes of this sort of transformation, it is no less disturbing than the discovery that god is dead: you discover both that you have nothing to believe in, and that everyone else you know (socially or parasocially) now has no reason to believe in you.  Not anymore.

The vegan movement died, and the dreams of the influencers and the influenced alike have died along with it.

Have fun staying poor, Kristen Leo.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Looking Back on "'Canon' and 'Reason'" 100 Years Later, or: the Sprit of Season Three vs Season Four.

Yes, well, for the centenary celebration of this paper, please allow me to say...

(1) when I wrote it, I was aware that I was supplying something that had been lacking in the already available ("respectable") literature.

In this one aspect, it may be compared to my (much later) book, Future of an Illusion. The latter was directly and openly saying (i) what the respectable vegan literature left unsaid and (ii) what my own YouTube channel had (up to that point) left unsaid. And of course it was shocking and horrifying for "the vegan establishment" to behold.

Unlike Future of an Illusion in its milieu, and unlike The Opposite of Buddhism, an essay that similarly supplied something left unsaid by all the university textbooks, this one paper that has had some success, "Canon" and "Reason", was not shocking and horrifying for the PhD-wielding audience to behold. What I had to say about meditation, European imperialism in Theravada Asia, and many other things was (and still is) shocking and horrifying to these people —in much the same way that Future of an Illusion is shocking and horrifying for most of the people to whom it pertains.

Everyone wants to be a Golden Axe person until there's an actual axe in the room, and blood on the floor: they're willing to play at being an intellectual only when the stakes are low —when the rules make everyone feel safe. Discovering that everything you've been taught about meditation is a lie, for example, makes everyone feel unsafe. I tell you the French would not publish my work (on Buddhism) because it was insulting to the memory of the French Empire in Laos and Cambodia, and the British couldn't deal with the insult to the memory of their "great men" like Rhys-Davids. Blood on the axe, blood on the floor. What now, what next.

Meditation is one of innumerable examples I could offer from my own "oeuvre" —an oeuvre we now must describe in two categories, extant and non-extant, as my YouTube channel was censored and disappeared from public view. Even the storybooks I wrote for children are currently non-extant. My point here, not to digress too much, is merely that I've dealt with innumerable "bloodshed" issues like this, in many provinces of history, politics, philosophy, etc., and some of those conflicts have now disappeared from the record.

Communism is not a religion, and yet the Communists make themselves despicable in the same way that religious people do: thinking that their purity (and intellectual superiority) arises from ignorance. Pointed, intentional, self-selected ignorance. They pretend that anything challenging their ignorance is baffling to them: this is worse than regarding something sinful as merely forbidden, it is the pretense that the particular sin is incomprehensible and so, while known, remains unknown.

The old religions knew sin and openly understood what was forbidden as desirable: the new religions of our times pretend that sin does not exist, and that the forbidden things they're opposed to cannot even be thought through hypothetically by the believer. Like hot ice or a squared circle, the Communist regards theories and facts incompatible with his or her own philosophy as nonsensical, never tempting. They paint the real world in unthinkability, to then live within a narrow category of familiar things that seem real —and yet are unreal to everyone who does not make the effort to imagine them. The religious mentality has expanded, in our times, as religious institutions and obligations have withered away.

It is intellectual intransigence rather than religious belief that I am satirizing here: the refusal to learn, the refusal to discard old beliefs, the refusal to change, because of the delusion that one's own virtue is demonstrated by defending the presuppositions adopted in the past —even if these presuppositions serve no purpose whatsoever. The Pali canon says the Buddha was black: deal with it. The Pali canon says that bad people go to hell after they die: deal with it. I cannot express to you how childish and insane the responses of scholars with PhDs have been to even such simple points as this. But look now at how childish vegans are when dealing with similarly elementary and obvious "problems" —by which I mean problems that are only problems because the believers have a fixed notion of their own spiritual purity that makes them unwilling to deal with mere facts.

Some sins are less disgusting to me because they reach out for things human nature may inevitably yearn for, even when they are difficult or impossible to grasp, but this defect of character (this state of self-selected, self-re-enforcing delusion) I cannot sympathize with at all. It is contrary to human nature, and offers the believers something so easily grasped. They nevertheless take pride in it as if it were accomplished against all odds: they're like the conspiracy theorists who refuse to use soap and toothpaste, boasting of precisely the intransigence they should be ashamed of.

Unnatural Vegan ("Swayze") couldn't simply admit she was wrong about the side effects of taking antidepressants during pregnancy —as if the admission were worse than the thing itself —even after the evidence had become undeniable to her (and she saw the effects with her newborn baby in her arms, etc.).

On a physical and emotional level, what could be more horrifying than admitting to yourself (as a "science educator" preaching skepticism) that you've inflicted brain damage on your own baby because of your dogmatic attitude toward science, even after Eisel Mazard had pointed out the problem to you, with innumerable peer reviewed sources to back him up? My horror is this: the example isn't extreme, and isn't exceptional. The vast majority of people alive and speaking English in this century seem to have the same attitude toward everything, all the time, in even the most "dry" of academic controversies: they would rather believe that they never were wrong than admit it, learn, give credit where it's due, and move on.

And, of course, in areas as esoteric as Buddhist philosophy and vegan politics many such stumbling experiences are inevitable. Dogmatism in automobile repair may be another thing entirely. Changing one transmission may be very much like another, without any crucial role for skepticism at each stage of the operation.

Yesterday, Melissa showed me a sickening video from an ex-vegan who is still disputing whether or not insects are sentient, and whether or not we are willing to believe the evidence that they feel pain. "Skepticism" indeed. There is equal "skepticism" about the scientific evidence that recreational drugs (including marijuana and alcohol) cause brain damage amongst the very same people addicted to these recreational drugs. The meaning of skepticism in our times is merely a commitment to justify a life of self-destruction and self-indulgence with an ersatz faith —as the Catholics of the dark ages had warned it would be so many centuries ago.  We have lost our faith in asceticism only.  We have lost our faith in sacrifice, not yet pleasure, happiness, utility.

(2) This particular lecture ("Canon" and "Reason") was intended for an audience in Cambodia that did not even have a high school education.

So, yes, you can see "the secret of its success" in appealing to people with PhDs, when you combine point (1) and point (2).

The Opposite of Buddhism was written in the same era with the same purpose, but it is utterly horrifying to the same people. It forces them to see things they would prefer remain unseen.

I am not willing to write for an audience of idiots: I genuinely sympathized with people I met in Cambodia and Laos who had been denied "access to education" as a consequence of Cold War Communism and who were —at that time— struggling with a sudden abundance of "raw" information available on the internet and (then, still) on CD ROM. I genuinely wanted to help these people who had made a sudden transition from the world as it was explained to them by their grandparents (in their first language) to the world as described by starkly biased European "experts" in English and in French.

I did not understand human stupidity until Season Three because I did not study it.

I didn't read books for idiots, and I didn't read books by idiots, and I didn't read books about idiots. This entailed a great weakness of mine throughout Season One and Season Two.

The problem is, of course, what I write (and record, etc.) can only be appreciated (effortlessly) by a small number of brilliant people —or else with great effort by people of average intelligence.  And given that I am not promising my readers nirvana, why should anyone of average intelligence make the effort?  I do not mean this sarcastically: I understand that the vast majority of people have no motivation to make the level of effort required to understand my books, articles and audio/video recordings —whereas other authors may be promising the cure for your health problems, a more beautiful body, transcendental salvation, an economic basis for utopia, or at least a life of smug superiority resulting from the delusion that you've discovered these "things".  The authors I compete with incentivize the reader with intangible outcomes that would be tragic if they were tangible, as the communion wafer would be horrifying if it were actually transformed into the body of Christ while you chewed it up in your mouth, and licked the blood from your teeth afterward.  Idealism is the enjoyment of the intangible as tangible; nihilism is the understanding of distinction between the two.

The text that a brilliant person may find delightful in the blink of an eye entails hours of hard work for an imbecile to understand. This is a problem of both style and substance for the even the shallowest of writing.

You can produce a shallow text that requires a brilliant reader. Even my satirical rap lyrics demonstrate the problem —and that is not a boast, it's an admission of failure.  Even the lyrics I wrote for Melissa to sing in Antinatalist Woman, that I saw again yesterday.  It's all Nagarjuna, it's all Lao Zi: dense and cryptic and recondite for those who aren't intelligent enough to fill in the blanks "in the blink of an eye". Nagarjuna wasn't writing riddles: he thought he was writing simply and clearly. So did I.

The decline of our intellectual standards, in the English speaking world, is demonstrated more by the history of comedy than the history of "required readings" in universities. People are more sophisticated than whatever they laugh at; they're less sophisticated than whatever they worship —and are far less sophisticated than what they're compelled to read (or are compelled to believe) and find themselves unwilling to rebel against.

Voltaire wrote comedy. Machiavelli wrote comedy. Plato wrote comedy. Perhaps in future nobody will believe that the comedian had been one and the same person as the serious intellectual in any of these three cases —in parallel to the refusal to believe that Seneca was one and the same author in all of his works (his tragedies, etc.).

I really did make an effort to produce comedy that was comprehensible to idiots: in this I failed. I never could be stupid enough.

And I never could be stupid enough to be a scholar of Buddhism. Looking back at "Canon" and "Reason", that is the moral of the story: as with success on YouTube, Twitch and TikTok, we all must appreciate that the stars are successful because of —not in spite of— their stupidity.

Stupidity is the necessary bridge between artist and audience: ignorance and evil bind people together in ways that wisdom and good intentions never can.  Stupidity is a shared identity; intelligence is isolated and isolating —and people in the middle are often aware of this, and discuss the temptations of stupidity in choosing between the two.

Some have no choice.  The internet has made it impossible to ignore the extent to which the desire for learning is only the desire for the audience to be told that there is nothing more for them to learn: that they are already members of some ineffable elite —even if that is just because they refuse to use soap and toothpaste.

I never would have written these essays without the delusion that they could help people. I never would have lectured Unnatural Vegan about brain damage if I didn't believe that I was helping her, and helping some unspecified number of others in the audience.

I cannot be a scholar of any kind in the absence of this optimism that other people are willing to learn and change, i.e., precisely as Unnatural Vegan was not.

By nature, I was always delighted to discover that I had been wrong, to learn something from having the error pointed out to me, to then give credit where it's due, and move on. The joy of learning, for me, was greater than the sorrow of discovering that I had been a fool —and I laughed at my prior ignorance more often than I was saddened by it, in retrospect.  I thought this was psychologically normal: I was wrong.

The whole enterprise of season two (and my earlier career as a scholar of Buddhism) is thus destroyed by the intransigence I've been trying to describe to you (half satirically, half seriously) in this essay about an essay. Absolutely nobody could ever have been helped by my research and published work about Buddhism: it is teaching wood carving to trees, my philosophy.

I used to say that I was in the position of an Elvis impersonator living in a cultural context where incredibly few people knew who Elvis was, and so very few in the audience could evaluate or appreciate the performance, not knowing what I was aiming for. I now regard myself, instead, as the last heterosexual on earth, producing pornography that nobody else finds erotic.  I have no objection to living on a planet entirely populated by the gay, but the incomprehension of my audience, thus, is not a problem research or public education could ever solve. And this is the spirit of Season Three, wandering in search of Season Four.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Against Efilism, Against Suicide.


To quote the official podcast censorship rulebook, "Professional political satirists and humorists are generally exempt from this requirement."  Please allow me to formally identify myself AS A PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL SATIRIST AND HUMORIST, so that I may be —accordingly— treated as exempt from the rules.

We really do need a more concise term for anti-anti-natalism.  And how many hyphens should there be in there anyway?  Anti-antinatalism, does that cover it?