Thursday, 27 February 2025

NPD: in a time of red herrings, I was a yellow perch.

Re: "…it is rather suspicious that you could not develop a single lasting political alliance throughout your entire career…"

Tell me: who is Unnatural Vegan in an alliance with?

Tell me: who is Erin Janus in an alliance with?

Tell me: who is Vegan Gains in an alliance with?

Now tell me, honestly: can you imagine that I would want to drink a cup of coffee sitting at the same table as any one of these three people? We could extend the list to many more, from Isaac ("Ask Yourself") Brown to Paul Bashir.

You are beginning with an utterly false "optic" (or "framing") of the problem as if I had attempted and failed to sustain a political alliance with any (or all) of these people —and you're then taking the further step of attributing this failure to my "communication style" that can supposedly be reasonably interpreted as "NPD".

NPD is a very recognizable pattern of behavior, and a purely behavioral diagnosis: I have none of the checkmarks on the checklist for it —and for largely the same reasons that I have none of the checkmarks for autism.

This whole approach, Simba, evades the extent to which my differences with these people are real rather than merely a matter of communication style misinterpreted as a diagnosis of a psychological disorder.

Unnatural Vegan would absolutely never accept what I said about dogs and cats (pet ownership). She would absolutely never accept what I said about Peter Singer. This is not an exhaustive list of the things she would never accept about me: these are real differences entailing real enmity —they entail hatred from her directed against me, even if I do not reciprocate this hatred.

Now tell me, who has had a worse communication style, and who could not be diagnosed with a serious psychological disorder, in this same list of personalities?

• Paul Bashir. • Isaac ("Ask Yourself") Brown. • Vegan Gains. • Erin Janus. • Unnatural Vegan.

To say that these are people with "a problem of communication style" would be a drastic understatement. To say that each and every one of them could be diagnosed with NPD would, also, be an understatement.

It is absolutely absurd to say that Paul Bashir has none of the symptoms of NPD, and it would be absurd to say that these cannot be demonstrated from his communication style. You can now replace Paul's name with every other name on that list, and speculate at what other diagnoses (with what other disabilities) might be more or less apt than NPD.


Part two of two here, and I note this won't make much sense if you disregard part one, above.

Quote, "Whether you are 'narcissistic' or similar is not nearly as interesting as the fact that you have apparently been unable to adjust your communicative approach when such was crucial for your political networking."

This model, Simba, presumes (1) that there are people for me to network with, and (2) that I have tried to adjust my communicative approach to network with them, but I have been unable to do so.

These two terrifyingly simple points are not true.

Erin Janus is not someone I can network with. It is extremely unlikely that anyone reading this would need even one word of further explanation as to why. Vegan Gains is not someone I can network with —and, likewise, no long explanation is needed. I could repeat this statement for each name on that bullet point list, above, and I could add many more names to it.

The incompatibility between myself and these other "content creators" is not the result of anyone's inability to adjust their communicative approach, as you put it. The invidious rift between myself and each of them exists for relatively profound reasons (outlined efficiently enough in Future of an Illusion).

It is just not the case that I can adjust my communication style on the issue of pet ownership to then find myself friends and allies with people who want to kill cows to feed them to cats (and who believe the highest accomplishment a human being can dream of is adopting stray cats to help them get into kitty cat heaven).

To use an old catchphrase: stupidity is real.

Erin Janus is never going to be someone who could sit and have a conversation with me while drinking a cup of coffee. The inequality in intelligence is just too drastic for that.

The inequality isn't as hard for me to endure as it is for them: try to imagine how humiliating and emotionally painful it is for (i) Vegan Gains, (ii) Unnatural Vegan, (iii) Brian Turner, (iv) Cami Petyn and (v) Modvegan to talk to me about their history with antidepressants —and my history of criticizing their public statements about antidepressants. It is much harder for them than it is for me.

The difference between Communists and Anti-Communists cannot be overcome by a change in communication style, nor the difference between Muslims and Atheists —and it does not help to "misinterpret" this difference in communication style as narcissism on one side or the other.

A diagnosis of NPD would really be possible for Erin Janus, Vegan Gains, etc., but it wouldn't help any of them, and it certainly wouldn't help them to overcome the obstacles that separate them from me.

None of these people ever could have been my colleagues: none of them ever could have contributed to Doomed Republic. There never was anyone who could be networked with.


Re: "I am somewhat convinced that your communication style is a core reason for your repeated failures in life."

What failures?

The failure to seduce Unnatural Vegan? You might as well talk about a shark trying to seduce a manatee.