This contains an authentic example of an uncorrected typo (way vs. ways, in the image above). I certainly hope you appreciate the authenticity. ;-)
[Amanda, writing to me:] CALL TO ACTION (updated) by the Excelsior 4 team: PLEASE SHARE THIS. Why: because the judge ruled against the jury seeing footage captured from Excelsior Hog Farm. Why this matters: the Excelsior 4 defendants are charged with, among other things, Mischief under the CCC. Mischief includes the prevention of lawful use of property, etc. The footage shows UNLAWFUL animal cruelty. Therefore, the judge has prejudiced the jury against the defendants. Reminder: you can share without viewing!
[My reply:] Henh?
Why are you sending this to my desk?
BTW, now four years later [i.e., four years after the last time she'd written to me], I can say: "read it and weep".
[Amanda:] Aren't you Vegan? I thought that meant we were on the same side: speaking for the animals. This case has three of my friends facing decades in prison for an action about 200 of us did three years ago. It was the largest mass action for animal rights in Canadian history. Since you speak so much about Veganism, I thought you would care. My mistake.
That is amazing you got a book published - congratulations! Why are you saying read it and weep? I think all forms of speaking for the animals is amazing. Great job!
It was suggested we send this action to people and groups with a large following. I assumed you were one of them.
[My reply:] (1) I am vegan.
(2) I am a dissident intellectual within the vegan movement: hated by many, admired by few.
(3) If you send me spam, you're going to be blocked as a spammer. That is what you've done, so that is what I'll do.
(4) Read the book, and then you can get in touch with me —via Patreon, like everyone else— to let me know if you laughed more or less than you cried.
(5) Re: "I think all forms of speaking for the animals is amazing." I don't believe you. As life goes on, you will find there are some ways of speaking that are worse than silence still.
[Amanda:] I wish you find happiness and peace in this lifetime. It would make you a better activist. Yeesh. I sincerely feel sorry for you.
[My reply:] HA HA HA HAH A…
There's hardly a happier man in all the free world!
But I certainly doubt that you (or your friends) will find anyone happier in jail!