• Vocabulari de la llengua catalana + xinesa + anglesa + francesa, part 04
• 第04詞彙—加泰羅尼亞語+中文+法語+英語
• 第04词汇—加泰罗尼亚语+中文+法语+英语
• Catalan + Chinese + French + English Vocabulary Part 04
• Vocabulaire Langue Catalane + Chinoise + Français + Anglais Partie 04
If you're interested in Lao (老撾語) or Pali (巴利文) you'll find that the numbers at the top of these vocabulary-list-graphics can be co-ordinated with the other series (e.g.,
here is number 3 from the series with Lao and Pali, corresponding to number 3, above, with Chinese and Catalan).